20 Steps to Greater Self-Awareness

Written by Luis Garcia, published on: March 14, 2021

20 Steps To Greater Self-Awareness

Hi, I’m Luis Garcia and let me ask you a few questions. Are you into Personal Development or Spirituality? Do you have interest in discovering how you love, lead, learn, teach, and communicate? Do you have interest in psychology and personal transformation? Do you want to improve your own personal psychology? Do you seek to discover and develop your creative qualities so that you can live more effectively & create the life you want? Do you seek spiritual Fulfillment, and the ability to cultivate great relationships, & financially succeed? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place and this is for you. In this video I will talk about Self-Awareness and Why It Matters and 20 Steps to Greater Self-Awareness. So, if you want to learn more about yourself stay tuned.

Self-Awareness What Is It?

So that you and I are in the same page, ask yourself these questions. Do you feel happy and contented? Is your life fulfilling? Do you like how you are? Are you happy with who you are? Do you feel sure of your ability to handle yourself in the world? Are you confident and do you feel safe to express yourself? If you answered NO to one or more to any of these questions, then just know that in this video I will talk about ways for you to improve yourself so that you can feel confident in yourself and feel great about who you are.

To being this conversation I would first like to state Socrates’ famous quote “know thyself” which is a directive to develop self-awareness. So, my question to you is…You spend all day and night with yourself, but how well do you actually know yourself? If you’ve never taken the time to get to know yourself, you probably have a lot to learn about yourself. However, self-awareness is a process that does take time and it is something you will do for the rest of your life once you commit to the getting to know yourself. Self-awareness is one of those things that have been associated with many modalities such as spirituality, religion, philosophy, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, astrology, and even up to card reading.

Also, along the way, trying to find yourself has gotten a mixed reputation as many people approach it differently and can use it for resistances purposes. For example, it can be a convenient way to excuse yourself when you want to break up with someone while in denial of the real reasons. Or, it can be used to avoid a relationship you really want but you put soul searching first and make sophisticated excuses to avoid the person you are into. When in truth having that relationship is a great place to learn more about yourself. It can also be a diversion from accepting responsibilities, like doing your share of household chores or getting a job. There are many ways how one can resist situation in their life while justifying it with personal soul searching.

However, the areas where such individuals resist in their life, they will eventually experience disappointment as those aspects of their life that they deny will lead to poor results. On the other hand, figuring out who you are and what you need to do in order to have a fulfilling life could be the most important and satisfying thing you can do for yourself. The 20 steps to greater self-awareness is an important because you can use the information to improve your life and minimize the amount of agony you cause yourself in the future from making unconscious choices that leads to poor results in your life. Getting to know yourself can be a little scary, but it helps to have an accurate observation and understanding of yourself.

You see, having self-awareness means that you have knowledge of yourself which is all about the study of your personal psychology, understanding your creative abilities, understanding your habits, likes, dislikes, the way you view the world, how the world see you, how to set boundaries when standing up for yourself, knowing how to evolved with the times, and it’s about you understanding your needs and how to negotiate your need with others affectively. The 20 steps to greater self-awareness is about you knowing what you want in life and also understanding of your emotional responses. However, having self-awareness doesn’t solve your challenges in life, but it does gives you an accurate starting point that allows you to develop a game plan for solutions that can help you prevail over your challenges, and this is why self-awareness is so important.

As I said before, self-awareness takes time to develop as you grow in life, but the benefits are well worth the effort in the long run as the results will lead to you feeling fulfilled with yourself from the inside out. So, if you are feeling insecure about yourself, or doubtful about your capabilities, and unsure of what direction to take to improve yourself as a person, and you are tired of feeling that way, and yet, you’re sincere about self-discovery and desire to feel confident about who you are and your capabilities, then I have some insight to share with you that can help you along the way of your life path. To begin to develop your very own sense of personal awareness, use this 20 steps to greater self-awareness guide to develop your personal psychology and awareness.

Number 1: Keep A Journal

This is a powerful tool for learning about yourself. Spend 15 minutes each evening writing down your life. Recording your life and thoughts each day can provide a lot of insight for you. List the high and low points of your day and your feelings around them. Focus on the meaningful things that happened that day. Include your challenges and what you think caused them. Ask yourself: What did you do well? What did you do poorly? What changes do you want to make? How will you make those changes?

Asking yourself these kinds of question will teach you to ask the right questions and it will train your mind to have better observation of your circumstances which leads to better analysis which then leads to you learning how to make better choices in your life, choices that lead to successful results. So do yourself a favor and start to ask the right question. Writing about your journey encourages you to learn and grow. Recording your activities and insights regularly can help you to find solutions to personal challenges and build your self-esteem.

Number 2: Review Your Past And Current Relationships

This goes back to number 1 which is about having better analysis which then leads to you learning how to make better choices in your life, choices that lead to successful results. But, now you want to focus and zoom within your relationships so that you can better understand them and yourself in the relationship. Again, self-awareness is all about having knowledge of yourself which is all about the study of your personal psychology, you understanding your habits, likes, dislikes, the way you view the world, and your needs. So, it is very important to ask the right questions.

So ask yourself, why did your past relationships end? Review your romantic and platonic relationships that didn’t work out. Why did they fail? Now, consider your current relationships. What challenges do they face? What do you bring to each relationship, see the positive and negative? What qualities do you like in a friend or partner? What qualities do you avoid? Why? Really own this for yourself.

Number 3: Ask Yourself What Are Your Biggest Regrets?

Where do you think you made poor decisions in your lifetime? Why did you choose what you chose in those circumstances? Why do you think those are regrets in the first place? How does it make you feel? What changes would you make if you could go back in time and change those events and what would you do differently? Again, if you image how you would change those situations in the past, your mind would automatically find answers and you will, by default, envision yourself doing it differently. This is your mind teaching you how the new version of yourself would make empowered choices that leads to successful results. Then you start to behave that way for now on.

Number 4: Ask Yourself Which Challenges In Your Life Are Constant?

Most of us have a struggle that persists in our lives. It might be our weight, finances, loneliness, depression, or an inescapable lack of satisfaction that manifest somewhere in your life. If this is the case then the issues that persist in your life is important to understand so that you can change it and live a happier life. You have the power to change nearly anything about yourself, so why does that one challenge in your life always seem to hang around? Write down that challenge and get to know it so that you can reviser engineer it and change it.

Number 5: Take Time To Meditate.

When it comes to the 20 steps to greater self-awareness this step is important. Meditation gives you the opportunity to observe your thoughts without judgment. You can learn a lot about yourself by the thoughts that pop up in your mind. Meditation allows you to learn how to create space between your thoughts and your emotions. It’s not hard at all to mediate. In fact, if you take the time to answer the first 4 questions that I suggested so far, you will be meditate already as your inner mind begins to analyze, visualize, find solution, and reprogram your behavior which is what the basics of mediation is all about. So make sure you do that for yourself.

Number 6: Another Form Of Mediation Is To View Your Life Through The Eyes Of Someone Else.

Imagine you were an invisible stranger or like a movie camera that is following you around and that observe your life for a week. From an objective point of view, what would you think about yourself? What advice would you have for yourself? How does the way you spend your time say about you? Again, this is a form of mediation that as you begin to answer these kinds of question, your mind would automatically find answers and you will, by default, envision yourself doing things differently. This is your mind teaching you how the new version of yourself would make empowered choices that leads to successful results. Do this for yourself and listen to yourself because you do have the answer inside of yourself. Do this for yourself and learn to mediate, and be your own psychologist.

Number 7: Ask Yourself How Do You Deal With Stress?

Really answer this for yourself as this is a big one. How do you handle stress? Do you eat, drink alcohol, get sleepy and lazy, become grumpy, do you watch TV? Play the victim? What? Another series of questions are how do you treat others when you’re stressed out? What challenges have you caused for yourself by dealing with stress poorly? This question also connects to the fourth questions I had asked you before which is about what challenges in your life are constant?

Think about it, if you deal with stress poorly the results of that is a chain reaction of poor results that will lead to more poor results which means that if you deal with stress poorly this could be one way of how some of the same challenges in your life are constant. To change that you would have to learn how to deal with stress differently and in a way that you transform the stresses in your life for productive creative solution that leads to successful results. Evaluate that for yourself.

Number 8: Evaluate Your Successes And Failures.

This can be great material for your journal. Your successes and failures tell you a lot about yourself. Ask yourself these questions: Why were you successful? How did those successes make you feel? What did you do after a success? Now, do the same with your failures. Are you a quitter? Why do you quit? Do you fail to set goals? Understanding your failures is powerful. You can learn from your mistakes and shortcomings and use the information to become more capable and powerful. The low and high points of your life are very educational and enlightening.

Number 9: Take Some Time And Ask Your Friends For Feedback.

Your friends know you better than you think. Ask your friends to describe yourself to yourself honestly. Ask them to list your strengths and weaknesses. Ask them what they think are your best and worst traits. You may benefit from listening to how others view you. Their feedback may point out great qualities and habits that you overlooked about yourself that you need to know about yourself. Sometimes it is hard for one to see themselves so getting your friend’s feedback may help you to see things.

This way you will find some common grounds to what others may see about you. This common ground that others see about you may hold truth and can help you discover more about yourself. This is you playing detective with yourself. Also, plea with your friends to be honest about their feedback, as their honesty will help you to see things better.

Number 10: Really Take The Time To List Your Goals, Values, And Priorities In Your Life.

If you’ve never thought about it, you might not have a firm grasp on your values. What’s important to you? List all the values that appeal to you and examine whether or not you live your life according to those values. Put your values in order from most important to least. So, ask yourself, what do you want to accomplish for yourself? What kind of a life do you want to live? What are your desires? What’s important to you?

When it comes to the 20 steps to greater self-awareness, answering these questions can help you discover your core values that you may not know about yourself. Knowing your values can help you make good decisions and prioritize your activities. Look for opportunities to live in agreement with your core values. Summarize your philosophy into a personal values statement so that you can refer to when needed. This is all part of building and developing self-awareness.

Number 11: Examine Your Likes And Dislikes.

Do you like team sports or individual sports? Do you like skydiving or playing poker? What types of people do you like or dislike? Do you avoid daredevil situations? Do you like or dislike loud music? Do you like or dislike Cultural activities? What are the things you can’t stand to have in your life? And why? The activities and people you enjoy or avoid can give you a peek into your psyche and can help you understand yourself better, this build self-awareness.

Number 12: Take A Few Personality Tests.

There are dozens of personality tests available that you can take for free. There are tests that help you to understand your personality type, your creativity, and even career recommendations. I personally create my very own personality test from scratch that is based from my own work and it is very different from other personality test that is out there. I will put a link below so you can check it out.

Number 13: Nurture Your Free Time.

How do you like to spend your free time? Do you prefer to be alone or in a crowd? Do you like to stay at home or go out? What are your hobbies? Answer these questions and write the answer down as this helps to develop self-awareness.

Number 14: Build Support.

Finding yourself is tough work at times. You’ll need a consistent network of family, friends, and colleagues you can rely on for advice and support. when it comes to the 20 steps to greater self-awareness, surround yourself with people that have answers that are in alignment to your desires and the things you want out of life. This way, you can have the support you need to help you along the way. Also, being generous about sharing your resources with others increases the likelihood that they’ll want to do the same for you.

Number 15: Play With Your Creative Flow.

What activities boost your energy levels and make you lose track of time? Do you know where your talents lie and what you feel passionate about? Whether you love playing the piano or solving mathematical equations, chances are these creative flow states will suggest the fields in which you can excel. You’ll accomplish greater things with less stress when you choose a path that lets you leverage your main assets and creative gifts. Express your creative goods and get to know more of your creative powers and see where you can use them in the world today.

Number 16: You May Have Heard This Before But Hear It Again. Set Goals.

Having a destination in mind guides your steps and keeps you on track. Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years from now? Really envision that for yourself. When you do then look at the steps needed to move toward it and remember to enjoy the process.

Number 17: Listen To Yourself.

When it comes to the 20 steps to greater self-awareness, finding yourself is about going inward and understand your values, creative abilities, understanding your strength and weakness and how to transform your weakness into strength and always having better analysis of yourself so that you can make on point decision to live authentically and successfully. So, what will help with that process of self-inquire is to really pay attention to what your mind and body are telling you.

So learn to listen to yourself and self-reflect. Notice when you feel engaged and when you feel lost. Is there a pattern behind these situations? What creative flow are you in when you are engage and are creatively progressing forward? How can you create a daily framework that can help you stay in your creative zone? Again, listen and learn this about yourself.

Number 18: Accept Your Feelings.

Acknowledge your emotions, turn them into an ally and realize what you can learn from them even when they cause you discomfort. Trying to suppress the truth will backfire and produce more stress. When you learn and accept your anger or sorrow, you can start thinking about a creative solution that leads to successful results. Again, this also goes back to listen to yourself.

Number 19: Welcome New Experiences.

Breaking out of your comfort zone is bound to reveal surprising facets of your personality. You may discover hidden talents that you never knew you had all because of the fact you push yourself further into your creative exploration. Taking an exotic vacation or leading a pilot project at work may inspire you to plan a bigger transformation.

Number 20: Read Literature Or Watch A Good Informative Movie.

Observing how characters in movies and in novels can help you understand how to behave and may teach you how to handle similar problematic situation in your own life. As a trained actor and acting coach myself I understand the science of playing fictional characters that are facing certain problems in their life while making decisions to overcome their problems and change their situation.

These choices and way of processing their challenges that is model in these characters in the form of storytelling, are insights that can help you more or less know how to handle your own problems that are equally depicted in the movie or novel. By watching a good movie or by readying a novel, you may find yourself learning how to address a conflict in your life in a new way or experimenting with a different way of responding to your conflict that can help you make change in your life. So, watch a good movie or Read literature.

20 Steps To Greater Self-Awareness Final Thoughts

Most of us are pretty good at figuring out what makes a friend or family member tick. It’s much more challenging to develop the same understanding of yourself. You spend so much time with yourself, it would be a shame not to have a high degree of understanding of yourself. If you are not aware of yourself, you’ll always be a mystery to yourself and will always be clueless of your shortcoming in life. Without self-awareness, you’re doomed to repeat your incompetent and unconscious mistakes for the rest of your life, unless you develop a high level self-awareness. Finding yourself is an ongoing process that lasts a lifetime. Being willing to discover the truth about yourself is ongoing as new levels of your personal truths will reveal itself to you from time to time and that is the beauty about life.

Self-awareness is one of the most important things you can possess. The key to enhancing your life is grounded in self-awareness. Self-awareness helps to achieve goals and it helps you to align your activities with your values which leads to a more successful and fulfilling life. Understand that self-awareness can help you build a meaningful life. It can help you to learn how to motivate yourself and build new habits. So, I encourage you to develop your sense of personal psychology and sense of self-awareness. When you do you will have more control over yourself, your life, and your results. Take this important step in your personal and spiritual-development.

You must understand that knowing of yourself or mastering your personal psychology gives you all these powers and abilities. By introspection and by gaining a deeper self-knowledge - you will gain personal mastery. By knowing yourself you will be able to understand how to navigate inside your mind so that you can put your psychology into perspective and make affective choices in life that will lead to success. This is a very powerful skillset to developed for yourself, so make sure you do that for yourself, in the end you will be happy that you did.


Alright you guys, this is the end of this video and I wanted to keep this short. But, just know that there is so much more for me to share with you. If you resonated and liked this video please leave a comment below and share your thoughts and ideas about how this helped you out and what you've learned from this. Also, if you think you know if some of your friends or family members will benefit from this message or that would like to listen to this message, share this video with them and help support their process as well.

Now, with all that being said, I would like to invite you to make a very important decision that will truly have a positive impact in your life for the better. I know that if you watched this entire video up to this point that you are into personal development and you really want to take care of yourself and improve your life which is why you are here. I’m sure that you are really working hard on yourself and would like to progress further in your life. But if you feel that what you are doing is not adding up to you feeling confident in yourself in the way you want to be. And, if you feel like you have a lot of potential but can’t get the momentum to reach your success which leave you feeling low on energy and a sense of lacking motivation, then I invite you to join my course as it can help you move further along the path to success.

Within my course these are the things you will learn about. You will learn how to shed the harmful expectations of others. How to discover who YOU truly are and NOT what others want you to be. You will learn how to UNLOCK your true passions and build an unshakable self-esteem that no one else can tear down. You will learn how to let go of mistakes and learn to ACCEPT yourself and finally move on and EMBRACE your individuality. You will learn how to LOVE yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses and FIND your true life purpose. You will learn how to show the world the real empowered version of yourself without fear of what they think. And, you will learn how to shape and create the joyful life you’ve always wanted by living authentically – along with many other bonuses.

You been looking for ways to be your best and my course can help with that. Check out my course by clicking the link you see below this video and you will be redirected to a page where you can read more about my course and even join my course. Once again, I’m Luis Garcia, good journey to you, see you soon, and Thanks for watching.

20 Steps to Greater Self-Awareness

About The Author

Luis Garcia

Luis Garcia is an innovative thought leader, educator, personal development coach, spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, author, and public speaker who teaches a method of self-inquiry in which you, the participant, learns to transform your fears into empowered actions and awaken your own unconscious creative potential, your talents, gifts, and natural creative abilities. Luis Garcia will help you address the tough questions that you have been wrestling with and will give you cutting-edge answers for all areas of your life from personal to professional, from spirituality to sexuality, and everything in between. As a mentor and adviser, Luis’s honest and effective answers will help in developing the skills to make life-altering changes that bring wealth, health, and greater happiness.

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