15 Ways To Enhance Yourself
Hi, I’m Luis Garcia and let me ask you a few questions. Do you know about the 15 ways to enhance yourself? Are you into Personal Development or Spirituality? Do you have interest in discovering how you love, lead, learn, teach, and communicate? Do you have interest in psychology and personal transformation? Do you want to improve your own personal psychology? Do you seek to discover and develop your creative qualities so that you can live more effectively & create the life you want? Do you seek spiritual Fulfillment, and the ability to cultivate great relationships, & attain financial freedom? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place and this is for you. In this video I will talk about how to create Your Own Life and live it and the 15 Ways to Enhance Yourself. So, stay tuned.
Deciding Your Life
Ok, so in order for you and I can be on the same page, ask yourself these few questions. How well do you know yourself? Are you willing to take steps to get to know yourself? How well do you manage yourself? What do you feel the need to learn? Is it Social skills? Is it Relaxation skills? Is it networking skills? Is it Spiritual development? These are some of the topics that I will be talking about in this video as in this video I will be talking about how to Create Your Own Life and Live it and the 15 Ways to Enhance Your Relationship With Yourself.
Ok, so, I would like to start this conversation by saying, maybe you’ve been living the American dream. What I mean by that is that you have an attractive spouse, a nice house and car, two kids, and a membership at the country club, and yet you’re strangely dissatisfied with yourself. If that is the case, have you ever thought that maybe the American dream isn’t your dream. You see, this is one version of living life, but, how can one version of how to live life appeal to everyone?
You’re an individual with your own unique desire, wants, passion, and purpose in life that could be different from the typical American dream, right? Of course, but, you may have not look into what could be your unique fulfilling lifestyle to live which would also mean that you don’t know yourself as well enough to know that about yourself and this strange dissatisfied feeling confirm it.
You see, it’s a personal decision. If you don’t decide for yourself of the kind of life you want to live, you’re stuck with the default version that everyone else is chasing which means that you will be giving up on your unique life. Rather than chasing after the standard version of success, or if you are already living it but are dissatisfied by it, then it might be time to create your own personal lifestyle that honors your true calling in life. One that honors your purpose and passion, that at the very least, you’ll be more excited when you get out of bed each morning. But, again, to accomplish that, you first have to know yourself. You have to know what are your true desires and wants in life. You have to know your passion, values, and true purpose.
You see, there’s no shortage of information on how to strengthen your relationship with your family, boss, or coworkers. However, you hardly ever hear about how to have a more productive relationship with yourself. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have and are having right now, because no matter where you go, you are right there with yourself. Most of the trouble you have with yourself is that you don’t know yourself well enough. Most of your potential and aspect of yourself are unconscious to you and that leads to unconscious impulses which leads to making unconscious choices and that leads to poor results in your life.
As a result of this, you may have spent most of your life avoiding yourself, because you may not want to address your shortcomings, fears, insecurities, or deal with your uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. But you can’t escape yourself, you can’t escape your thoughts, you can’t escape your feelings, and you can’t escape your behaviors, so you might as well make friends with yourself and get to know yourself. By knowing and understanding your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors you will be able to take charge of them which will lead you to successful results in your life and live a satisfying lifestyle. So, if you are experiencing this dilemma but yet, you are interested in improving yourself - then Try these techniques to develop a stronger relationship with yourself:
Number 1: Start Your Day With Gratitude And Positive Thoughts
When it comes to 15 ways to enhance yourself, instead of reaching over for your cell phone to check who text you or to see if your latest TV show is on, spend the time on yourself. Mentally list a few things that make you grateful to be alive and get your emotion going on a positive note. Tell yourself something positive and great about yourself. Give yourself the intention of having a good day and plan it. List your positive qualities. Get your day off to a good start with yourself and put yourself in a state to be ready for the day.
Number 2: Again, Write A Journal
Your thoughts and life are worth recording. Take time each evening to write for a few minutes about how your day went. You’ll gain a lot of insight and appreciation for your life, as writing a journal will slow down time, giving you a moment to zoom in and gain such insights to the events that took place during your day. Show yourself that your life matters.
Number 3: Let Go Of Your Avoidance Behaviors
What do you do when you’re feeling emotionally under the weather? Shop? Eat? Get online? Drugs? Start an argument? Sleep? Instead of avoiding yourself, sit with yourself and look at what you need to address with yourself so that you can move pass the issue and improve yourself. The truth is that avoiding your issues just prolongs the cycle. Just breathe and notice your feelings and body sensations. In time, your negative emotions will dissipate without your attempts to hide from them.
Number 4: Meditate. Think Of Meditation As Spending Quality Time With Yourself
One of the important steps to 15 ways to enhance yourself, is to meditate. Begin with just a few minutes and extend the time as you feel more comfortable. You’ll learn how your mind works by meditating. By answering these questions or taking time to apply my suggestion is already a form of meditation. Learning how to administrate your mind is a powerful skill-set to have, do this for yourself.
Number 5: Spend Time On Your Personal Development
What do you feel the need to learn? Is it Social skills? Is it Relaxation skills? Is it networking? Is it Spiritual development? You spend so much time doing things for others. Take a break and spend some time dealing with your own needs and evolutionary requirements. You will love yourself more when you are able to perform your new and advance skill-sets.
Number 6: Have Some Fun
Plan some fun in your life. Get a monthly massage or meet a friend for ballroom dance lessons. Part of your personal development could be taking dance classes, or working out, or even perhaps mountain bike riding. So, make a list of things you wish to do for fun and make plans to do it. It’s your life. Enjoy it.
Number 7: Forgive Yourself
You’ve made a few mistakes and missed out on a few opportunities. That’s no reason to beat yourself up for the rest of your life. It’s time to let go of your past and forge ahead. Learn from your mistake and create new opportunities and this time around receive it and celebrate your winning.
Number 8: Groom Yourself To A High Standard
One of the important steps to 15 ways to enhance yourself, is to take the time to shower each day and pay a regular visit to the barber or salon shop. Keep your grooming at a higher standard - this will make you feel good about yourself and this builds self-esteem. Take good care of yourself and show the world how much you mean to yourself. This will teach other to respect you more as well.
Number 9: Get Help If You Need It
No one can handle everything all of the time. Sooner or later, we all need help and that is just a simple fact of life. That help may come in the form of a trusted friend or professional help. Get the help you need that is in alignment to what you need help with. Remember, you’re worth it.
Number 10: Educate Yourself
Whatever are your interests in life, go learn more about it. To get your toes wet, the internet and local library are both good resources to start. If you want to jump in the ocean rather than get your toes wet, then join a collage course or any resource that can take you deeper into its education and perhaps get a degree. There are people that spend their entire life teaching, learn from them. As you explore what’s out there, you might find something that resonates with you.
Number 11: Look At Your Life Right Now. Ask Yourself How Did You Get To This Point?
You already have a set of beliefs that can hurt you or help you. Ask who taught you those beliefs? Did you pick them up from your friends? Watching Movies? Maybe from your teachers? Books? How was your life’s philosophy constructed? Answering these questions will help you see how your identity has been molded and the kind of choices you make based on your beliefs. You get an aerial view of your mental programming's and it helps to see that.
Number 12: Determine What You Want Your Life To Be About
One of the important steps to 15 ways to enhance yourself is to determine what your life will be about. Will your life be about money and success? Will it be about adventure? Family? Personal development? Or, spiritual development? What matters to you? What do you think is most important for you? Whatever you choose - can you be happy with that decision? For example, you might believe that family should be the most important thing, but what if you don’t have a family?
Or maybe you don’t even want a family to begin with, but, instead your focus would be money and success. Many philosophers argue that there is no inherent meaning to life, which is just a fancy way of saying that you can choose the meaning of life for yourself and be just as correct as anyone else. Make sure you put that into perspective for yourself and choose wisely with how you want your life to be like.
Number 13: Start At The End
Imagine that you’ve lived a long life and you’re reaching the end. What kind of life do you want to look back on? What sorts of things do you want to have learned, achieved, and experienced? How do you want to be remembered? With the end in mind, how do you need to live today to reach that ideal ending? This will help you foresee and invoke your inner deepest desire and wants in life.
Number 14: Once You Foresee The Kind Of Life You Want: Give It A Try
Once you’ve found a way of looking at the world or the kind of life that appeals to you, take it for a test-ride. See if it suits you. And remember to have patience while you’re on this journey as it will take time for it to happen - that is another fact of life that you just have to accept. So, remember to be kind to yourself.
Number 15: Find Like-Minded People And Discuss Similar Interest And Plan Together
One of the important steps to 15 ways to enhance yourself is to find like-minded people. While this is a personal journey, that doesn’t mean it has to be an isolating one. Bounce ideas off of others that are in the same pathway as you. This stimulates and awaken your interest which helps to confirm what you are into in life. You might gain an insight that makes all the difference. Be open and share your ideas as well, and be open to making new friends.
How well do you know yourself? Are you willing to take steps to get to know yourself? And, how well do you manage yourself? These three questions could always use a little enhancement in your performance in order for you to grow as a person and that goes for everyone, even for the advance people in this world. It’s not always easy to live with yourself, yes, this is true, but remember that you have a lot to offer yourself, and as you grow as a person, living with yourself becomes easier.
15 Ways To Enhance Yourself Final Thought
One of the important steps to 15 ways to enhance yourself is remember to be playful with the process of developing a new way of approaching life. Your new outlook and philosophy on life will bring you a sense of peace and purpose. If you’re feeling a bit disappointed with life, change your perspective, change your philosophy, change your outlook, change your mindset, and just change yourself. Change truly starts with you. You can choose for yourself what is most important in life. Create a game plan that you can win and enjoy along the way. So, remember to spend some time each day being good to yourself. Have some fun and spend some time on your personal development. Strengthen the most important relationship of all - the one with yourself.
Conclusion on 15 Ways To Enhance Yourself
Alright you guys, this is the end of this video and I wanted to keep this short. But, just know that there is so much more for me to share with you. If you resonated and liked this video please leave a comment below and share your thoughts and ideas about how this helped you out and what you've learned from this. Also, if you think you know if some of your friends or family members will benefit from this message or that would like to listen to this message, share this video with them and help support their process as well.
In the meantime, if you would like to dive deeper and learn more about yourself I invite you to check out my course. Within my course these are the things you will learn about. You will learn how to shed the harmful expectations of others. How to discover who YOU truly are and NOT what others want you to be. You will learn how to UNLOCK your true passions and build an unshakable self-esteem that no one else can tear down. You will learn how to let go of mistakes and learn to ACCEPT yourself and finally move on and EMBRACE your individuality. You will learn how to LOVE yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses and FIND your true life purpose. You will learn how to show the world the real empowered version of yourself without fear of what they think. And, you will learn how to shape and create the joyful life you’ve always wanted by living authentically – along with many other bonuses.
As we end this, ask yourself. Do you want to feel confident in life and have a sense of direction? Do you want to feel alive, vibrant, and great about yourself? Do you want to know your passions in life and live your purpose? Do you wish to feel contented and fulfill with yourself? Do you want to feel that spiritual wholeness with yourself? Do you want to master your own personal psychology & attain financial freedom? If you answered yes, then I invite you to make a very important decision that will truly have a positive impact on your life for the better. Check out my course as it will help you move further along your path to personal development and spiritual freedom, and also receive many other bonuses within the course that will assist you to further your development.
You been looking for ways to be your best and my course can help with that. Check out my course by clicking the link you see below this video and you will be redirected to a page where you can read more about my course and even join my course. Once again, I’m Luis Garcia, good journey to you, see you soon, and Thanks for watching.