Discovering Your Self-Worth Destroy Insecurity

Written by Luis Garcia, published on: March 28, 2021

Discovering Your Self-Worth & Destroy Insecurity

Hi, I’m Luis Garcia and let me ask you a few questions. Are you into Personal Development or Spirituality? Do you have interest in discovering how you love, lead, learn, teach, and communicate? Do you have interest in psychology and personal transformation? Do you want to improve your own personal psychology? Do you seek to discover and develop your creative qualities so that you can live more effectively & create the life you want? Do you seek spiritual Fulfillment, and the ability to cultivate great relationships, & attain financial freedom? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place and this is for you. In this video I will talk about – confidence, discovering your self-worth & destroy insecurity. So, if you want to learn more about yourself stay tuned.

Your self-worth is not defined by your circumstances; it’s defined by your creative capability.

So, to begin this conversation I would like for you to ask yourself these questions: Does life seem to be a struggle for you? Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated much of the time? Do you wish you could experience something better? Do you want to feel confident about yourself and your capabilities. If you answered yes, then listen. Fortunately, you can enjoy the exciting life you simply just want. Success is available to you despite your challenging situations. It's important to remember, that your self-worth is not defined by your circumstances, it’s defined by your creative capability and the value you have for yourself in relation to your creative capabilities.

Question; what holds you back from you living your life? Take some time today to question the beliefs you hold that limit your potential. If you look at a challenging situation as a wall that's impossible to climb, then you need to question your mindset and why it makes you think in terms of “that’s impossible” when it could be a situation that could be very possible for you to overcome. Within you is everything you need to thrive and excel. The more you question the validity of your limiting beliefs, the more success you'll experience in your life as you reveal and transform your limiting beliefs into successful ideas.

You see, you have to understand that insecurity is perhaps the biggest roadblock to achieving your goals. If you lack confidence within yourself, you’ll never begin to take action for anything. Insecurity is the result of poor mental and emotional habits, trauma, and giving too much of your power to others. With work, you can be a highly confident and secure person. So, the main question is, what causes one to be insecure of themselves? Insecurities are thoughts, ideas and feelings that make you feel insecure and doubtful about yourself and these insecure thoughts, ideas, and feelings are learned over the course of your lifetime whether it be you’ve learn them from family, friends, or through your own personal experiences that had lead you to think and feel doubtful about yourself. So, the next main question is, how do we become secure and how do we maintain confidence in our adult life?

Think of a situation in your life that you believe is preventing you from something you want. Write it down, and then get ready to challenge that limiting belief. If you do, you'll begin to move toward the success you simply just want. To give you some tangible insight, here is a list of behaviors that comes from insecurities so that you can identify your own behaviors and insecurities, but, keep in mind that I will only share a few otherwise we will be here all day and night. Then afterwards I will share some tips and tricks that can help you build your self-esteem and to feel more secure in yourself.

Number 1: A Lack Of Self-Esteem

When it comes to discovering your self-worth destroy insecurity, if you view yourself negatively and believe that you’re incapable, you’re going to feel insecure and doubtful about yourself which will translate into limitation in your life somewhere. The amount of self-esteem you have is ultimately up to you to decide. You have to learn how to internalize your experiences in your life in a healthy manner. If you interpret your experiences in a negative way and decide a negative outcome and program yourself to perceive yourself as a failure and believe that you can’t and view yourself negatively, then this is your doing to yourself.

However the opposite is just as true, if you interpret your experiences in a positive way and decide a positive outcome and program yourself to perceive yourself as a successful person with real and proper analysis, then this is your doing to yourself as well. No one else can decide it for you unless you allow them too. If you allow others they can influence your self-esteem if you let them. So, learn how to put your experiences into perspective with accurate analysis.

Number 2: Relying On Others To Make You Feel Good

Approval from others is nice, but when you need it to feel confident and secure of yourself, your feelings of self-worth are out of your control. This creates a strong need for approval from others and gives too much power to others. Living this way, you give others the power to manage your sense of well-being. If they think badly about you, then you feel as if you are not loved or liked and then you’ll get all bend out of shape. This is unhealthy and a major clue to know that you suffer from insecurities. You have to learn how to sustain your own self-worth and part of doing that is you appreciating your creative talents and see them as relevant in the world and that you matter in your creative giving.

Number 3: Unreasonable Expectations By Comparing Yourself

When it comes to discovering your self-worth destroy insecurity, if you are comparing yourself toward others and find yourself feeling disappointed in yourself or end up feeling dissatisfied about yourself then you are suffering from insecurities. Avoid comparing yourself to others and live a life where you are contributing your creative talents and be amazed about yourself and what you can do. When you do, compare yourself to yourself by measuring your own personal growth rate. Measure from who you were yesterday and who you are today in your growth and celebrate your growth in comparison to yourself.

Number 4: Insults And Criticisms From The Past

The negative insults and criticisms from the past may have come from parents, teachers, peers, or anyone else from your past. Children are especially sensitive to criticism and may have a hard time moving past such negative insults and criticisms from the past. So if you find yourself still struggle with such negative insults and criticisms from the past then you are currently suffering from insecurities. Few people feel as secure as they would like. Your feelings about yourself and the world rarely change without work and focus. Make the decision to let go of your past hurts and acquire successful habits and new expected goals that move your life forward.

Now that I shared just a few insight that can help you identify your negative behaviors and habits that come from your insecurities and shame, the question is how can I begin to deal with this and change this? Well, with all that was said use these strategies to help you build self-esteem and to feel more secure in yourself and meet the world on your own terms:

Number 1: Approve Of Yourself

You can give yourself as much approval as you choose. Notice every time when you are hoping for approval from someone else and stop yourself. Give yourself a compliment and practice self-acceptance. When it comes to discovering your self-worth destroy insecurity, celebrate your creative abilities and express them in world service and feel that you matter by what you give. Within time, your interest in receiving approval from others will dissipate for the simple fact that you already know what you are good at and can celebrate that yourself.

Number 2: Only Compare Yourself To Yourself

Are you in better shape than what you were last month? Is your financial situation improving? Are you experiencing gains in your social life or your ability to play the piano? Seek improvement over your past. When it comes to discovering your self-worth destroy insecurity, the whole trick here is to just focus on making yourself and your life better as you evolve and grow yourself and measure your own growth and celebrate your gains within your own personal process. Avoid worrying about what everyone else has that you don’t and just celebrate your own personal growth, this will build self-esteem.

Number 3: Let Go Of The Past

Such negative insults and criticisms from the past is not relevant to you now and perhaps were never relevant to you in the past. When it comes to discovering your self-worth destroy insecurity, forgive everyone from your past and build a new identity of yourself and enjoy living today for who you are and create empowered experiences that lead to your personal growth to the point you can’t no longer identify yourself with the criticisms from the past.

Number 4: Find The Cause

When you find the cause - ask yourself, what can you learn from this so that you can avoid recreating a similar situation in the future? If the cause of your situation is unclear, ask friends and family for their input. Others see your life from a different perspective, and their input can be valuable in determining the root of your troubles. Plus, if there is a common ground to the feedback from your friends, chances are that the common ground could be truthful information that could be targeting certain patterns and behavior that you need to look at for yourself. See your pink elephant so to speak and hone in on it, get to know it, and begin to make a plan to change it.

Number 5: Get Past The Blame Game

You can often be your own worst critic. Negative self-talk is one of the ways that you hurt your self-esteem. Choose to replace the doubts of your inner critic with more productive thinking. When it comes to discovering your self-worth destroy insecurity, turn your negative thoughts into your ally as I always say and learn from them. For example, once a negative thought has taught you its intended lesson, it has served its purpose, grow from it and move on. If you choose to hold onto those negative thoughts as fear and paralysis, they will begin to form deeper negative patterns that can ruin certain aspects of your life. Don’t let it build to that point as it will get harder for you to make change. Stop blaming others and stop blaming yourself, and stop being your own worst critic. Learn the lesson from it and celebrate your creative growth process.

Number 6: Cut Yourself Some Slack

Recognize that you're human. Everyone makes mistakes, as your attitude determines your progress in life. You are valuable regardless of your present dilemma. You are worthwhile even when you slip up or fail. Your circumstances simply provide feedback and an opportunity to learn, grow, and embrace your growth with grace. Be easy on yourself.

Number 7: Make The Most Of It

When you recognize that you're valuable despite your circumstances, you'll begin to make the most of every opportunity. The stumbling blocks you face can become stepping stones to the success you want out of your life, simply by changing what you focus on; again turn them into your ally. Instead of feeling helpless, ask yourself: "What's great about this opportunity? Every situation provides something of value if you look for it that way.

Number 8: Ask For Help

Loved ones and friends often see strengths in you. Ask them what they believe are your strengths. This can also help you find your self-worth. Everyone has something of value to contribute; it’s located somewhere in their creative abilities. Once you recognize your unique talents, gifts, and abilities, you'll see life in a whole new way. You'll seek opportunities to use your talents to help others. You'll gain confidence that comes from conquering challenges that once made you cringe with fear, and this also help you to learn how to trust your choices in life. By this alone, instead of allowing your circumstances to dictate who you are, you'll make the rules.

Number 9: Live One Day At A Time

Despite your best efforts, some days simply provide one frustration after another. When this happens, you have a choice. You can let your circumstances defeat you, or you can choose a more productive perspective. When it comes to discovering your self-worth destroy insecurity, you truly have the choices to manage your well-being in a healthy or unhealthy way.

One of the features of feeling secure is about removing the power you allow others to have over your mental and emotional autonomy. You don’t need the approval of others when you are convinces of yourself but yet are humble. You don’t need to compare yourself to others as you compare yourself to yourself as you measure your own growth and are able to celebrate your growth rate. That inner joy comes from you not from others.

Discovering Your Self-Worth Destroy Insecurity Final Thought

Your past hurt doesn’t have to define you today. Identify the challenges that are creating feelings of insecurity in your life and face them head-on. You can be more accepting of yourself and trust yourself more than you do today. Resolve today to find your strengths, learn from your difficult circumstances, and experience the joy you were created to experience. You were created with a unique sets of talents and gifts. When you find those gifts within yourself and put them to use, you'll know how valuable you truly are and your self-esteem is nurtured and your life becomes joyful and fun to live. The better you feel about yourself, the better you’ll feel about others too. Refuse to allow insecurity to tarnish your future. Make the decision today to trust and love yourself more, you will be glad that you did.


Alright you guys, this is the end of this video and I wanted to keep this short. But, just know that there is so much more for me to share with you. If you resonated and liked this video please leave a comment below and share your thoughts and ideas about how this helped you out and what you've learned from this. Also, if you think you know if some of your friends or family members will benefit from this message or that would like to listen to this message, share this video with them and help support their process as well.

Now, with all that being said, I would like to invite you to make a very important decision that will truly have a positive impact on your life for the better. I know that if you watched this entire video up to this point that you are into personal development and you really want to take care of yourself and improve your life which is why you are here. I’m sure that you are really working hard on yourself and would like to progress further in your life. But if you feel that what you are doing is not adding up to you feeling confident in yourself in the way you want to be. And, if you feel like you have a lot of potential but can’t get the momentum to reach your success which leave you feeling low on energy and a sense of lacking motivation, then I invite you to join my course as it can help you move further along the path to success.

Within my course these are the things you will learn about. You will learn how to shed the harmful expectations of others. How to discover who YOU truly are and NOT what others want you to be. You will learn how to UNLOCK your true passions and build an unshakable self-esteem that no one else can tear down. You will learn how to let go of mistakes and learn to ACCEPT yourself and finally move on and EMBRACE your individuality. You will learn how to LOVE yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses and FIND your life purpose. You will learn how to show the world the real empowered version of yourself without fear of what they’ll think. And, you will learn how to shape and create the joyful life you’ve always wanted by living authentically – along with many other bonuses.

You been looking for ways to be your best and my course can help with that. Check out my course by clicking the link you see below this video and you will be redirected to a page where you can read more about my course and even join my course. Once again, I’m Luis Garcia, good journey to you, see you soon, and Thanks for watching.

Discovering Your Self-Worth Destroy Insecurity

About The Author

Luis Garcia

Luis Garcia is an innovative thought leader, educator, personal development coach, spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, author, and public speaker who teaches a method of self-inquiry in which you, the participant, learns to transform your fears into empowered actions and awaken your own unconscious creative potential, your talents, gifts, and natural creative abilities. Luis Garcia will help you address the tough questions that you have been wrestling with and will give you cutting-edge answers for all areas of your life from personal to professional, from spirituality to sexuality, and everything in between. As a mentor and adviser, Luis’s honest and effective answers will help in developing the skills to make life-altering changes that bring wealth, health, and greater happiness.

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