Heal Your Feelings of Shame

Written by Luis Garcia, published on: April 5, 2021

Heal Your Feelings Of Shame

Hi, I’m Luis Garcia and let me ask you a few questions. Are you into Personal Development or Spirituality? Do you have interest in discovering how you love, lead, learn, teach, and communicate? Do you have interest in psychology and personal transformation? Do you want to improve your own personal psychology? Do you seek to discover and develop your creative qualities so that you can live more effectively & create the life you want? Do you seek spiritual Fulfillment, and the ability to cultivate great relationships, & attain financial freedom? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place and this is for you. In this video I will talk about Heal Your Feelings of Shame. So if you want to learn more about yourself stay tuned.

Shame, What Is It?

So to begin this conversation I would like to talk about shame. So, what is shame and where does it comes from? The nature of shame has many faces as it branches out into guilt, not good enough, depravation, loss, abandonment, betrayal, rage, and the fear of being vulnerable in relation to our own talents, gifts, creative abilities, sexual identity, and intimacy. Shame is produced when our consciousness is exposed to information associated with a negative connotation that generates our feelings of unworthiness that corrodes our sense of well-being. When we feel shame, we feel dishonored and disgraced about who we are. Shame results in the tendencies of self-condemnation and mortification, which produce low self-esteem and a sense of self-hatred which replaces and override the ability to generate a sense of self-love.

Shame is similar to guilt, but more personal. For example, you might feel guilty for stealing a TV, but you might feel shameful for being a thief. When you feel guilty, you feel bad about a particular event. Shame is more pervasive and personal. You might feel shameful for being a poor parent or even being the victim of abuse. Think of guilt as “I did something bad” and shame as, “I am bad.” So, ask yourself where do you see shame affecting your life? What aspects in your life do you feel dishonored and disgraced about who we are? If you suffer or are having a hard time with shame use these ideas to heal and deal directly with any feelings of shame:

Number 1: Explore Why You Feel Shame

What happened? What experience did you have that made you feel shameful about yourself? What does that event or series of events say about you? In whatever took place in the event, is that a reasonable interpretation on your part? Are you being too hard on yourself by the way you see things? Is it possible that you didn’t do anything wrong at all? Be honest with yourself and with someone else you trust. The truth might be that you don’t love your spouse anymore, or you prefer when your kids are out of the house. A simple confession can give air to your shame. The more you hide it, the more intense the shame becomes and the more it eats you up from the inside. Bring it into the light and much of its energy will dissipate.

Number 2: Understand That You Are Not Permanently Defined By Your Behavior

No one is perfect 100% of the time. Everyone do things that are considered “wrong” or “bad” at times. Everyone has thoughts that make them feel ashamed. Even the most moral people make mistakes or think thoughts that violate their value system. It’s part of life. The things that you’ve done, or that have happened to you, don’t have to affect you forever. So, be easy with yourself.

Number 3: Forgive Yourself

When it comes to heal your feelings of shame you understand the cause of your shame it doesn’t taint your character forever. You might resist the idea of forgiving yourself. But why? Does your suffering accomplish anything? No, of course not, in fact it’s make things worst in your life. Does it help the people around you? Again, no, of course not, in fact it’s make things worst in your life. Listen, people fall out of love. Parents have second thoughts about being a parent. Affairs happen. Life is still going on, with or without you. So learn not to waste time dwelling on your misery or guilt, forgive yourself and move on.

Number 4: Consider What Had Led You To Feeling Shameful

If so, can you prevent this from happening again in the future? What can you do about it? How can you avoid the situation or behavior that has led you to feeling shameful about yourself? Can you make changes in your life that will alleviate the feelings of shame? Really take some time to answer these questions as these questions, when answered, will reveal a roadmap for you to heal yourself and instead creatively grow.

Number 5: Avoid Those That Have Intention On Making You Feel Shameful

There’s always someone that feels obligated to make you feel as bad as possible about yourself so that they can somehow feel good about themselves. When it comes to heal your feelings of shame, this is precisely the type of person no one needs in their life. Surround yourself with people that want the best for you and that helps you grow in life.

Number 6: Avoid Situations That Trigger Your Shame

If, and I say if you are not ready to dive deeper and face deeper levels of your shame because it is too much for you to expose currently, then avoid situations that trigger your shame. For example, maybe you feel shameful about not being able to financially provide for your family with the lifestyle you want for them. Then you just might want to avoid driving through the wealthy part of your city where the sight of the million-dollar homes triggers your shame if that get you like that. Learn how to handle your limits and honor your limitation so that you can stay focus and sharp to succeed in the areas that is immediate for you to succeed is my point here.

Number 7: Connect More With Others

Studies show that the more isolated you are, the more likely you will feel shameful, more so if your mind operates more in a negative way. This happens because your negative thoughts suffocate you when you are isolated. It’s like, silence create space to hear all your mental negative noise within you and that noise will come up and drive you crazy if you don’t know how to handle it. Again, turn those thoughts into an ally and learn from them and grow.

Another way of dealing with this is by regularly interacting with others in a meaningful way. Because of the creative interactive chemistry, you’re less likely feel shameful, but rather inspired. When it comes to heal your feelings of shame, again, surround yourself with good creative people who want the best for you and bath in that creative energy and be inspired to grow and live your authentic life. With frequent creative empowered experiences, you will eventually override your negative thoughts as the compound effect of your creative empowered experiences builds.

These are some strategies that if you apply in your life - you will see improvements for yourself. However, if you’re unable to deal with your feelings of shame successfully, seek out professional help. Letting go of your shame will set you free. Another way of healing shame is learning how to love yourself. You see, it’s one thing to identify your shame and its patterns of behavior to reverse engineer it in order to heal your feelings of shame, but another way to heal your shame is to just focus on learning how to love yourself to the point that you heal your feelings of shame. So, the question is, what is the secrets to loving yourself? Maybe your hard on yourself or you’re so busy with external obligations that you rarely consider your personal priorities such as what makes you happy.

Looking inward and changing the way how you think about yourself could help you to value yourself more and bring greater joy in your life which will teach you how to love yourself and this will heal the shame.

You’re probably familiar with self-help books and talk shows who tell you to love yourself, but you maybe wondering how to go about that. While your relationship with yourself is the most important connection in your life, it’s easy to forget about nurturing it. However, self-love and compassion are too important to neglect because they shape your experiences and relationships with yourself and with others. Protect your health and wellbeing by making positive changes in your life. If you want to love yourself more and heal the shame, try these strategies to help you to feel joyful about yourself and your life:

Number 1: Accept Yourself

Know that you are worthy of love and respect just the way you are in this moment. Embrace yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses and begin to express your strength and develop your weaknesses. When you express your strength and develop your weaknesses you will feel a power that you can’t help but to yourself which will heal the shame.

Number 2: Clarify Your Purpose

Invent your own definition of success. Ask yourself what kind of a meaningful life you want and what would that mean to you? Keep asking that question as those answers will change over time. As you clarify this for yourself, you will see a roadmap that leads to self-love and you can look forward on healing the shame.

Number 3: Talk Yourself Up

How do you speak to yourself? Do you put yourself down? Do you uplift yourself up? Choose words that are encouraging and uplifting. Use your internal dialogue to build your confidence and manage your emotions. This will build self-esteem which leads to self-love and heals the shame.

Number 4: Offer Forgiveness

Let go of the past so that you can move on. Take any decisions that you regret and turn them into opportunities to learn. Make amends where possible and decide to handle things more constructively in the future. You will transform the shame and save yourself future disappointment that can lead into shame.

Number 5: Avoid Comparison

Social media didn’t invent social comparisons, but social media has increased the potential for envy and inferiority complexes. Try competing with your last creative performance instead of living up to someone else’s standards. You’ll accomplish more if you dare to be yourself. Once you witness your growth rate, you will feel proud of yourself, this leads to you loving yourself and heal the shame.

Number 6: Think Positive, And Always Be Learning

When it comes to heal your feelings of shame, looking on the bright side and being able to laugh at yourself makes you even more loveable. It also helps you to manage stress and deal with difficult circumstances. Always look to learn more about yourself and from others, and apply what you learn in your life and make progress. When you learn and make progress, you will feel fulfilled as you are gaining in life.

This will change your shame into self-love. So, try these strategies and apply them into your life - you will see improvements for yourself. Now, to dive deeper into this process of self-transformation, let me ask you some questions; do you invest in yourself and enjoy living your life? Or, do you spend more time and money keeping your car in good shape, if so, what about your mind, emotion, body, and soul?

If you want to heal your feelings of shame but yet you don’t invest time for yourself you will never heal your shame. Why not spend some time, money, and effort on yourself? There’s a lot you can do to invest in yourself. Doing the things you just simply enjoy doing can help you heal your shame. So, it is very important to invest time on yourself.

With that being said, now let us talk about ways for you to change the way how you treat yourself and invest time on yourself. Does your action match your beliefs? You might say you love yourself, but your actions could be sending a different message and setting you up for failed results. If you say you want to improve yourself and yet you don’t take action on things to improve yourself you will not make change within you. See how much more you can accomplish when you make yourself a priority! Try these techniques to treat yourself nicer:

Number 1: Practice Self-Care Through Health & Exercise

Develop habits that keep your mind and body fit and strong. Go to bed early and exercise each day. Eat a balanced diet and watch your weight. When it comes to food - you can order food from places that deliver food to you that is prepare for you to eat for the next two weeks. The meals can accommodate any food preferences you need tailor to your body and health. You will appreciate yourself better with a healthy body because you will enjoy how good it feels to be healthy. If you are interested in exercise, consider hiring a personal trainer if need be. Your health and fitness are important. Get an expert on your side that knows their way around the gym and understand muscular and cardiovascular development. You will feel better about yourself with a healthy body. This will make you love yourself.

Number 2: Pick Friends Wisely

Surround yourself with family and friends who encourage and support you. Cultivate close relationships with others who share your goals. Engage in deep conversations where you can share your feelings and receive feedback about things. The livelihood of connecting and sharing will bring you to a place of enjoying your life which brings you to a greater sense of love.

Number 3: Pursue Your Passions

When it comes to heal your feelings of shame, identify the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment which is what I’m talking about at this point. Block out time each day for something you love, whether it’s a task related to your job or something you do in your leisure time. What really interests you in life? You could take a class on Buddhism, basket weaving, calculus, or even golf. What would enrich your life? Identify what would bring you joy the most for you and go do it. You have to create time to engage in the things that will teach yourself how to love yourself which will heal your feelings of shame.

Number 4: Set Goals

Give yourself something to strive for. It’s important to be working toward something. What will that something be for you? Without a goal, you’re just waiting for something to happen while wasting time as you let time fly by. Choose what you want to happen in your life. Spend whatever time you need to create a few goals that will enhance your life. Now with that being said, make sure that you work towards realistic goals that build your confidence reflected by your achievements. This will also build your self-esteem, you will feel great about who you are and fall in love with yourself again and again.

Number 5: Maintaining Boundaries

Know your limits so you can define what behavior you consider acceptable. That may include physical boundaries such as needing your own space and psychological boundaries such as being entitled to your own feelings and opinions without having to feel in danger. This supports proper analysis and this allows you to see things better, helping you to make choices that lead to better self-care.

Number 6: Advocate For Yourself

Once you understand your needs, you can communicate them to others and negotiate more affectively. This alone will create a movement where your successes will flow with ease and you will feel fulfilled. You’ll grow more skillful as you practice being direct in letting someone know if they cross your boundaries, or if they inspired you. This will make you feel powerful, and this will make you celebrate yourself for who you are, and this will help you heal your feelings of shame.

Number 7: Seek Support

Ask for what you need. Let others know specifically what they can do, whether you’re looking for practical assistance like pitching in with housework or just a friendly ear to listen while you sort out your thoughts and feelings. You see, cultivating good friend is really your job as you have to make sure you teach others how to treat you the way you want and need to be treated in order for you to grow in life. This is you training others how to love you better and this is you loving yourself in the form of self-care or being the mature parent to yourself.

Number 8: Consider Hiring A Personal Coach If Need Be

A personal coach can help you figure out what you want to do with your life and advise you on how to make it happen and succeed in what you have interest in. A personal coach is a mentor, a teacher, a friend, and an expert on the things that they accomplished and know about within their own life successes. Let someone advise you and hold you accountable to get things done.

Number 9: Do Something To Advance Your Career

You might work on your resume, brush up on your interviewing skills, spend some time networking, or even taking a public speaking course. What do you need in order to take your career to the next new level? You will feel better about yourself that you took your career to the next level, and this leads to self-love.

Number 10: Read Something Just For You

Read anything you like. It might be something that helps you at work, with a hobby, or just provide entertainment. Make reading a regular habit. Reading is one things most successful people have in common. Again, make time for yourself and enjoy the moments of your life.

Number 11: See The Doctor

It’s important to see the doctor at least once each year. Get a check-up and ensure your body is in good health. It’s a good idea to see the dentist too. Keep a good hygiene as all this will make you feel good about yourself. The act of taking care of yourself will give you this sense of wellness for yourself. This can help you boost your self-esteem and develop that sense of self-love which will transform the shame.

Heal Your Feelings Of Shame Final Thought

Listen, what it all comes down to, all the tips and insights that I just shared with you will bring you to a place where you will develop the sense of self-love which will heal your feelings of shame and that is a fact. Loving yourself is the way for you to enjoy more happiness, overcome challenges, build healthier relationships with others, and transform your shame.

Make it a habit to treat yourself with kindness and respect and teach others around you how to give that to you as well. Also, what can you do today to ensure a more prosperous future? Spend a small portion of your resources - time, money, and focus - on yourself. Make yourself a priority. Again, Invest in Yourself and Enjoy your life. You’ll enjoy the results and you will be glad that you did.


Alright you guys, this is the end of this video and I wanted to keep this short. But, just know that there is so much more for me to share with you. If you resonated and liked this video please leave a comment below and share your thoughts and ideas about how this helped you out and what you've learned from this. Also, if you think you know if some of your friends or family members will benefit from this message or that would like to listen to this message, share this video with them and help support their process as well.

In the meantime, if you would like to dive deeper and learn more about yourself I invite you to check out my course. Within my course these are the things you will learn about. You will learn how to shed the harmful expectations of others. How to discover who YOU truly are and NOT what others want you to be. You will learn how to UNLOCK your true passions and build an unshakable self-esteem that no one else can tear down. You will learn how to let go of past mistakes and learn to ACCEPT yourself and finally move on and EMBRACE your individuality. You will learn how to LOVE yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses and FIND your true life purpose. You will learn how to show the world the real empowered version of yourself without fear of what they think. And, you will learn how to shape and create the joyful life you’ve always wanted by living authentically – along with many other bonuses.

As we end this, ask yourself. Do you want to feel confident in life and have a sense of direction? Do you want to feel alive, vibrant, and great about yourself? Do you want to know your passions in life and live your purpose? Do you wish to feel contented and fulfill with yourself? Do you want to feel that spiritual wholeness with yourself? Do you want to master your own personal psychology & attain financial freedom? If you answered yes, then I invite you to make a very important decision that will truly have a positive impact on your life for the better. Check out my course as it will help you move further along your path to personal development and spiritual freedom, and also receive many other bonuses within my course that will assist you to further your development.

You been looking for ways to be your best and my course can help with that. Check out my course by clicking the link you see below this video and you will be redirected to a page where you can read more about my course and even join my course. Once again, I’m Luis Garcia, good journey to you, see you soon, and Thanks for watching.

Heal Your Feelings of Shame

About The Author

Luis Garcia

Luis Garcia is an innovative thought leader, educator, personal development coach, spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, author, and public speaker who teaches a method of self-inquiry in which you, the participant, learns to transform your fears into empowered actions and awaken your own unconscious creative potential, your talents, gifts, and natural creative abilities. Luis Garcia will help you address the tough questions that you have been wrestling with and will give you cutting-edge answers for all areas of your life from personal to professional, from spirituality to sexuality, and everything in between. As a mentor and adviser, Luis’s honest and effective answers will help in developing the skills to make life-altering changes that bring wealth, health, and greater happiness.

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