Becoming Empowered

Written by Luis Garcia, published on: September 4, 2020

Becoming Empowered

Hi, I’m Luis Garcia and in my seminars and workshops I always get asked, how can I stop feeling empty and incapable inside myself and how do I stop the need to seek validation from others and become self-empowered? These are profound question that in all honestly not many people really find real answers to these questions and that is why so many people are still struggling with this sabotaging behavior. As a result of this not being clear I decided to create this very short video to answer these two questions and to bring clarity on how to transform this sabotaging behavior. So stay tuned.

Hi and welcome back, I’m Luis Garcia, and I’m an author, public speaker, entrepreneur, thought leader, and I’m an educator on the topic of personal development – self-help, business and spirituality. And what I do is that I help people like yourself master your own psychology and put your game into perspective so that you can be equipped to cultivate healthy relationship, financially succeed, and fulfill your life purpose.

Becoming Empowered - What Are Creative Abilities?

So on with today’s topic which is “how can I stop feeling empty inside myself and how do I stop the need to seek validation from others and become self-empowered?” Well, first, it starts with you discovering your natural talents, gifts, and creative abilities. What are your natural creative abilities? Your innate creative abilities are determined and measured by evolution. Now, what do I mean by that? For example, let's look at the animal that is known as the chameleon. We all know that the chameleon can camouflage itself by changing its pigmentation. This act of changing its pigmentation is happening naturally for the chameleon, it’s an ability that stems from its DNA. In other words, evolution or life for that matter, has given it the gift to change its pigmentation, which is an innate creative ability.

Another example is when we humans digest our food; we don't really have to concentrate on that. Our organs naturally digest our foods. That automatic digestive mechanism is a built-in creative ability that evolution has given on to us. So an ability comes from evolution, it’s innate, it's biological, it comes from our makeup in order for us to function. It's also the place where our individual unique wisdom, passion, value, and love for ourselves come from.

In other words, were born with these abilities, and that define natural or inherent. However, for some our inherent creative abilities are suppressed, and because of that, one has to go on a journey to discover these hidden creative abilities. This is what personal development and soul searching is all about for most of the part which is discovering the creative potential that lies within us and learn how to express and perform them.

Now talent takes a different course in one’s creative expression. Talents are the things in which we use as tools to help us express the creative biological inherent ability. For example, your ability to express yourself and sing is inherent as your vocal cords can naturally sing; the guitar is the tool that you use to help express your inherent creative ability which is singing. The playing of the guitar is the talent while singing is the biological inherent ability. The guitar is externally learned while singing is biological which creates the split in the two. Then, of course, the gift is the way in which how you give or share your creative abilities and talents with others. When these three power points are in alignment and are acting as a complementary system you will be empowered to express yourself freely and increase the successes in life as you capitalize on your creative abilities and talents.

When your conscious mind cannot register your inherent creative abilities and talents, you will feel powerless and incapable in yourself and you will lack the ability to truly give to others and to yourself. This is what causes you to feel not good enough and doubtful about yourself which also result into low self-esteem for the simple fact that you are lacking internal creative power. You got not creative power and the feeling of not good enough is confirming it. This is the definitive split that determines whether you will feel insecure about yourself or confident and secure of yourself.

You see, it’s your inherent creative abilities that determine your ability to feel empowered. When your inherent creative abilities are developed you will feel fulfilled with yourself, competent, capable, and joyful to express your creative natural exuberance and spatial intelligence. It is your inherent creative abilities that act as the foundation that produces the sense of true personal power and a healthy self-esteem.

However, the opposite is just as true. When you’re inherent creative abilities are not developed or if you are unaware of them, this is where you will feel empty from the inside out for the simple fact that you can't register or access any of your creative abilities. Your mojo can’t back you up so to speak. Think of it like this, imagine a dark room. Now imagine a candle that is lit in this room. The candle represents the power of your creative abilities that illuminate your way. This light delivers the information that determines you're creative abilities that give life to your personality and make you, well, you.

This candle light represents the source of your creativity which is creative input that is forever giving you creative power so that you can perform in the world and succeed. Every time you perform your creative abilities in the world, you get to witness and experience your creative genius and this will always excite you about you. This excitement inspires you and makes you feel empowered and alive making you feel capable and confidence about what you can do. This is where the feeling of good enough or feeling confident comes from.

Being Disconnected To Your Creative Power

Now imagine that there is no candle lit in this dark room, your creative power if off. What you get is a dark room. You don’t get to receive creative input from your creative source. This darkness represents the emptiness that also leads to feeling powerless, incapable, not good enough, and doubtful about yourself which also manifest as low self-esteem. Your light and the source of your creative power is not there and this creates the feeling of emptiness and loneliness. At this point, one can say that the feeling of emptiness and loneliness is the consistent reminder that you haven’t access your true creative authentic self.

You see, this emptiness is created when you can’t access your inherent creative power which is your authentic original creative sense of self. Nothing is there to work with or to live from. The creative vessel is empty. No one is creatively home, and when I mean no one, I mean the sense of self, the source of your originality which is creative power. Now, whether we access our creative abilities or not, we are all wired to desire connection and a sense of love. When we are accessing our creative self which is where we access our originality, it is from this place that we grow to love ourselves, because; we wow ourselves from what we can creatively do.

The Secret To Loving Yourself & Feeling Empowered

How so and why you ask? Because when you express and perform your creative abilities in the world, you get to witness and experience your creative genius and this will always excite you about you. This excitement inspires you and makes you feel empowered and alive and this leads to loving yourself. This act of loving yourself is possible because your creative abilities gives you the reference point to understand what to love about yourself and the opportunity for you to experiences your greatness in the form of creative power.

You have to understand that when you are disconnected from your creative abilities you don’t have a reference point to know where or what to love from within yourself and therefore cannot get a sense of love from yourself. You will still desire a sense of love but you just don’t know how to access that inside of yourself, so by default, you look outward and you seek love from others in hope that you fill the emptiness inside of you.

Seeking Love & A Sense Of Power Outside Of Yourself – The Problem

But this love you seek exist outside of yourself as you pull the sense of love from others. This pulling of love that you seek outwardly is what translates into seeking validation from others. While seeking validation from others, you are also by default seeking to fit in to be liked. To succeed in this you automatically conform to other people rules of you in exchange for the loss of your original creative self. This behavior is a byproduct of the emptiness, how so?

The first thing you have to understand is that biologically we have been designed by nature to naturally feel loved and empowered, its’ like a built-in microchip inside of us that by default we want and need to feel loved and empowered. We also had been designed to sustain the experiences of self-love and empowerment when accessing the original authentic creative self. When disconnected to your original and authentic creative self, by default, like a computer, the human psyche seeks to fill in the gaps.

In your innocent attempt to fill in the gaps, you have nowhere else to go but to try to define a sense of love and empowerment externally speaking if you don’t know how to do it from inside yourself. You only have two ways of doing this, internally or externally. If you do it externally while being disconnected to your creative abilities, this is when you go out of your way to seek validation from others hoping that other people will make you feel special so you can feel good about yourself. Every time you invest in external validation you invest less in your original creative authentic self.

The downside to this reality is that you conform to the rules of how other people want to see you, how they want you to behave, and who they want you to be, in exchange to being loved by those who are not allowing you to truly be your true self even thou that they say that they are. Now, that is a mind job.

The other downside to living this way is that you become reliant on others to boost your self-esteem and this gives other people the power to determine your self-esteem and confidence. Others can say one thing about you and you will get all bent out of shape because you worry about not meeting up to the standards of others. This fear is what make you comply with others in a passive manner.

Then you are also easily scared when other people give you any indication of not liking you to the point where you play the complacent game and sell yourself short to the point where you have no boundaries and this is where people take advantage of you because you position yourself to be taken advantage of you because you have position yourself to be taken advantage of. These are a few common behaviors and patterns when living this way and there are many other sabotaging patterns to this that is unhealthy.

As you seek validation from others and conform to other people rules about you, this is you trying to get that sense that self-worth, love, and creative empowerment for yourself, it’s just you are doing it incorrectly. The reason why this is incorrect is that you have to be the person that other people will only accept you to be which is their image of you, and you never really get to experiences your creative power and the authentic version of yourself.

In this case you have to understand that other people image of you is not you, and if you conform to please others and be who they want you to be, then that means that you are faking it as you play along and this will never fulfill you because it is not connected to anything real within you. And, here is the worst part, as long as you invest in this behavior, you will always continue to deny your original creative abilities and authentic self and the harder it gets for you to resurrect your original creative abilities and authentic self which is the very thing that will give you the sense of pure internal power.

So the problem starts when you are disconnected from your inherent creative abilities and the fact that you never been taught to understand this psychological fact. Ignorance is not bliss as it creates blind spots that can ruin your life from poor unaware choices. If you don’t change this situation for yourself, you can live the rest of your life feeling insecure, doubtful, and sad for yourself with an undercurrent of always feeling something is lacking in your life. And, something is lacking in your life, your original creative abilities and the authentic version of yourself.

The Solution To This Problem

So what's the solution? First off you have to accept that your personal and spiritual development is a lifelong process and that it is not an overnight thing, nor is there a magical pill to get to the end result while skipping the major steps. If you commit to chasing the next best magical solution and refuse to put in the work, you are fooling yourself. And the reason why you will be fooling yourself is because you will place your decision in the wrong kinds of practices and frameworks that promise great results and then years later you realize that such practices didn’t work, and now you wasted time and money simply because you wanted the magical pill because the idea that the process will be easy has been sold to you and you bought into it. There are no short cuts to life’s development.

The faster you accept that your personal and spiritual development is a lifelong process and it takes time, the faster you can learn to enjoy the process itself and make realistic choices that lead to better and real results. The trick is not to want to skip the process, but to learn to enjoy the process. Have you ever had the experience where you truly emerged yourself and enjoyed an experience to where 5 hours felt like 1 hour and time seems to fly by? If so, when you were enjoying that moment, you did not look for shortcuts, you really were present at the moment. If you learn to enjoy your life process just like in those moments, you would enjoy and love your life processes and not worry about shortcuts.

Your Creative Abilities Is The Answer

The other part to this solution which is the main part is that regardless whether your inherent creative abilities are suppressed or not you first have to discover, then develop, access, and utilize your natural talents gifts and creative abilities. Then when you have a good grip on them, you bring your creative powers to the table and position yourself as a valuable person as you capitalize on them in world service. Your original creative abilities and the authentic version of yourself will automatically deliver your unique personal values, beliefs, outlook on life, and will give you the power to be your real self around others, increase your self-esteem, build your confidence, and live your life according to what’s important to you and not someone else’s rules or ideas about you. The authentic version of yourself is pre-built to operate that way automatically.

The 3 Steps To Access Your Creative Power

In order to accomplish this development, you have to go through three major steps. These three major steps have to be put into perspective so that you can psychologically understand and identify the overall framework to know what it takes to successfully execute the development of your original creative self and access your personal power.

Personal power starts when you begin to identify what are your inherent talents, gifts, and creative abilities. You need to figure that out for yourself because that is the foundation for developing your power. When you put your talents, gifts, and creative abilities into perspective you will innately be able to envision and know what you want to do in life. I stress this a lot as this is very important. Your creative abilities is what signals you and awaken your passion that says I want to do this, I want to do that, I want to be this person and accomplish this or that.

You see, like a computer microchip that is designed to give input, it’s the inherent creative abilities that acts like a microchip that give input and signals you on what to do in life. This happens because the creative abilities seek to express itself and upgrade its creative performance which creates the passion for you to live your life. This passion also generates the excitation for life which is just you wanting to experiences and reveal more of your creative power.

After you had identified what are your creative abilities, the passion turns on. This passion gives birth to the commitment to be proactive and to follow through your life’s evolution as it brings you joy to complete it. When you arrived and reached the need to be proactive you are ready for step two. So understand that these are the natural signals to look for that I’m giving you here so pay attention.

Step two is when you go out into the world and you find the resources that can help you exercise your identified creative potential and perfect them even more. So for example, if I have a gift of debating and see what is fair or not, I may take a political class. If I find that I’m more of an artist I will feel the impulse to take that music or acting class. If my inherent ability is a natural educator I may take that writing class so that I can write books and teach. If I feel that my inherent creative abilities steer me into being an entrepreneur or inventor I may take marketing and corporate classes that will develop such creative abilities further.

Now, of course, there will be a lot of trial and errors throughout this process. Now the trial and errors are tricky because most people give up when they experience the era's thinking that's a form of self-defeat or failure and that is not the case at all. When you respond in a productive and healthy manner error or failure can be used as feedback to see what doesn't work, but simultaneously, it reveals what does work. When you respond this way you grow to see that failure fine-tunes the scope as it helps to narrow down and discover what does work.

You see, nature designed our feelings to also act as a troubleshooting tool. For example, your computer has a built-in troubleshooting software. When there is something wrong with your computer, you troubleshoot to fix the problem. Well, on a human experiential level, failure is a built-in software that signals you to troubleshoot. Failure is a built-in emotional device that prompts you to fine tune the scope to discover what will work. When you learn this about feelings, your emotional development matures and you become a person that feels excited when facing failed results because you know you are getting closer to the successful results.

Then after a while when practicing your creative abilities you start to feel like you are actually good at something. Now you have a reference point of creative expertise and a new level of excitement, power, and confidence takes over you. This is the place where you truly start to value yourself. Valuing yourself is only possible when you know that you are creatively good at something and can perform the creative ability at a drop of a dime to bring joy to the world and solve problems.

Becoming Empowered - Personal Transformation & How It Works

Once this sense of personal value is turned on, when you get to the point that you know you are of value, it is here that the emptiness starts to transform from “nothing exists in me and I’m an empty vessel” into “I’m creatively sufficient and I got something to work with within myself and it feels great to feel creatively alive.” You move from one level of “I’m not good enough” to a new level of “I’m good enough” for the simple fact that your inherent creative ability, like a microchip giving you input, acting as the foundation that gives you creative power and is good enough to perform in life.

Like windows operating system and all the other creative application acting as the foundation that allows you to work with your computer, your inherent creative abilities are the built-in creative application system that allows you to live creatively so that you can perform, live effectively, and be empowered. If you delete your computer operating system, your computer goes blank, right? Well, that is what produces emptiness because it’s blank and blank means emptiness. The same thing happens on a human level. When you are not connected to your inherent creative ability which is your creative operating system, you are blank, no one is home, and not good enough is produced from this blank space.

Then by default, your psyche is trying to fill in the empty space in its attempt to get a sense of creative power, but your psyche does it in the form of external approval and validation from others. You do this because you are trying to define yourself through other people perception about you for the simple fact that your creative abilities are suppressed. You can’t see what lies in you to define yourself from the inside out and be your own person. It is your authentic creative power that gives you the power to define yourself and be your own person.

Your Natural Creative Abilities Defines You

When connected to your creative abilities, not only will you define yourself and creatively perform, live effectively, and be empowered, but you will also access your true personal values, morels, think independently, and understand your personal constitution and what you stand for in life. You will also know your life mission and purpose because your creative abilities define all this for you as that’s part of its software.

Your creative operating system lays it all out for you automatically. It is your creative abilities that give you the input to carry out the instruction to live your life. It’s your intuitive soul talking to you and giving you direction through “creative evolutionary instruction.” As you carry out your “creative evolutionary instruction” and engage with the world, you will have a wonderful time as you surround yourself with like-minded people and share beautiful experiences that lead to growth. You will create a new social life as you make new friends who will support and inspire each other to grow and that leads to deeper bonds of all kinds.

World Service & Your Contribution

Now, the last stage of the three, when you have a pretty good grip on your creative expertise, then you are ready for the next step. From here it’s like you are now moving from the classroom and now you perform your creative expertise in the real world in real time. This is when you go into the real world and you actually start to influence the environment with your creative expertise. You actually start to manifest your career as you actually start to help people in society and contribute, this is you living your purpose and fulfilling your creative evolution.

Then after years of contributing to the world and you perfected this process you have reached a level mastery and you become convinced that you are good at what you do. This is you reaching teacher level as now you teach others what you know. When you complete and touch that place within you that stems from the completion of your life purpose, this is where you will experience a tremendous deep love, joy, and fulfillment for life and realizing that life is sacred.


These are the three steps to become empowered and end seeking validation from others. So please watch this video again and again so that you can remember the psychology and the framework to it all. When you study successful people you can see clearly that these are the steps that they all go through. In fact, these are the steps that anybody and everybody would have to go through. You may have not notice it before because no one has put it into perspective for you. So I hope this video has helped by putting it into perspective for you.

Ok, my friends, this is the end of this video and I wanted to keep this short. But, just know that it is so much more for me to share with you. Just to bring to your attention, I’m currently building a course that talk about this topic in further details. This course that I’m creating will teach you how to be your real self around others, increase your self-esteem, build your confidence, discover your creative abilities, discover and live your life purpose, and live your life according to what’s important to you not someone else’s rules or ideas about you.

So if you are interested click the link below this video and you will be redirected to a page that will share more information about this courses that will teach you how to be authentic by discovering your creative abilities, live your life purpose, and increase your self-esteem and confidence. Once again, I’m Luis Garcia, good journey to you, and thank you for watching.

Becoming Empowered

About The Author

Luis Garcia

Luis Garcia is an innovative thought leader, educator, personal development coach, spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, author, and public speaker who teaches a method of self-inquiry in which you, the participant, learns to transform your fears into empowered actions and awaken your own unconscious creative potential, your talents, gifts, and natural creative abilities. Luis Garcia will help you address the tough questions that you have been wrestling with and will give you cutting-edge answers for all areas of your life from personal to professional, from spirituality to sexuality, and everything in between. As a mentor and adviser, Luis’s honest and effective answers will help in developing the skills to make life-altering changes that bring wealth, health, and greater happiness.

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